Saturday, December 18, 2004


I woke up pretty late this morning (11am) because I was at work till about 2:30 last night. How pathetic is that? 2:30am on a Friday night.

Anyways, the upside is that I took off in the evening to go watch a play with Sindya and one her Indicorps coordinator Sonal (who's visiting this week). Sonal's awesome. The play was called "Where there's a will" and was playing at the Rangashankara theatre. It was pretty funny. Slightly stretched at some points but pretty damn funny.

I spent the morning driving around town trying to find a Hutch store to pay my phone bill. Parking is a nightmare. Finally parked at Bangalore Central which is a pretty big mall in the central area. Was inspired to buy a shirt there because the parking fee of Rs. 50 is fully refundable on any purchase. Pathetic how gullible I am.

The Hutch store is a 10 minute walk away. On the way back I passed a small vegetarian restaurant. Apparently there's a genre of restaurants called "Darshan" that, according to Sindya, have strict requirements in order to carry that name. They are pure veg, have a certain cleanliness standard, etc. A meal there was Rs. 11 for a huge pile of rice, some rassam, sambar, a vegetable, and some dahi. I topped all that off with a Rs. 10 coconut off the street.

Now I'm being pathetic and at work checking email and blogging. I'm out of here.

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