Tuesday, March 15, 2005

Environmental Sustainability

Are you (I'm assuming that someone is reading this thing) bored of country statistics yet?

Here's another one, assuming that you're not. A ranking of countries by environmental sustainability index:

Finland 73.9
Norway 73.0
Sweden 72.6
Canada 70.6
Switzerland 66.5
Uruguay 66.0
Austria 64.2
Iceland 63.9
Costa Rica 63.2
Latvia 63.0

In other news, a9 launched OpenSearch today. It got some great reviews, and some not so great reviews. I guess I agree with Greg's comments; it would have been a nice launch gesture for a9 to expose its own search in OpenSearch format. One thought I had was that I may soon need a meta-search to find the OpenSearch search add-ons that I really want.

I need to find blogs where I can read realtime reviews of O'Reilly's etech.

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