Friday, April 08, 2005


I've been hearing a lot lately about the power of the Ruby on Rails framework. I decided that I'm going to create a website and learn ruby and rails in the process.

I've decided to host with textdrive because they support rails. I found textdrive by browsing around some tags on and trying to find the most popular links. Not terribly scientific; I'll let you know my experience with textdrive soon.

First off, there are a bunch of good tutorials on how to get started with rails; even some that specifically address setup on a mac.

My main reason for blogging the experience was that I had problems with the setup. So here's some tips:

  • After you've installed ruby, it may not be enough to set your path so that your new version (1.8.x) of ruby is found by default. Instead,
    mv /usr/bin/ruby
    out of the way, and
    ln -s /usr/local/bin/ruby /usr/bin/ruby

  • When installing gem,
    sudo ruby setup.rb all
    - make sure you add the all parameter. Some of the docs don't include it and then you get complaints from the setup util.

I also couldn't remember how to get apache up and running. O'Reilly has a good series on web serving from a mac.

So far so good. I got through most of the rails tutorial and have a lame site running on my mac. I figured I take a detour though and read up a little bit on ruby.

1 comment:

  1. Anonymous9:25 AM

    Another good choice for Rails hosting is PLanetArgon ( The owner is a Rails enthusiast and provides very good Rails support. I host my Typo blog (a Rails app) there.

    Anyway, compare them with TextDrive (who is also very good) before you decide. If you do decide to go with PlanetArgon, tell thm I sent you. :-)
