Friday, June 10, 2005

FC reading.

catching up again on some FC reading.
About Despair, Inc.
    The point is that most people should work to make money. They shouldn't expect a company to make them happy. A company can be friendly and good, but it can't really make you happy. At the same time, it shouldn't insult you. It shouldn't say, 'We're a family and have values,' and then act like Enron."
    Jamie Malanowski is the features editor at Playboy. He's happy in his work.

I love the last line about the author of the article! :)

An awesome post about being a bouncer:
    The bouncer ethos, in point of fact, stands in diametric opposition to that of any other position in the service industry. Simply put, if you, as a bouncer, stand there and take crap from the customers, you won't be employed for very long, because everyone on the staff will consider you a pussy, and they won't want you around. Therefore, when people -- as they invariably will -- act like assholes, I'm getting paid to fulfill the one, singular fantasy harbored by everyone who has ever served a drink or waited on a table:

    I can do it back.

On cubicles sucking:
    The solution, Tompkin says, is to customize space to various types of work. Give those who need uninterrupted time a quiet place to work and those who need to collaborate a more social space. That may mean a glass-walled office for heads-down work, and a variety of gathering places for group work. "As the workforce becomes more mobile," Tompkin says, "the office will be the main tool companies use to build a shared culture."

I totally agree. I wish we'd have a healthy mix between offices and cubes. Or even moderately sized rooms with cubes in them, instead of a huge room full of cubes. That way I can only potentially get distracted by 4-6 other people instead of 70.

Sounds like GE Durham has taken a page out of Gore's (makers of GoreTex) book (Reference to gore from Malcom Gladwell's tipping point. Lots of great stuff here:
    GE/Durham has more than 170 employees but just one boss: the plant manager. Everyone in the place reports to her. Which means that on a day-to-day basis, the people who work here have no boss. They essentially run themselves.
    So how can something so complicated, so demanding, so fraught with risk, be trusted to people who answer only to themselves? Trust is a funny thing. It is the mystery -- and the genius -- of what goes on at GE/Durham.
    "The interview, now that was one heck of an experience," he says. "It lasted eight hours. I talked to five different people. I participated in three group activities with other job candidates. I even had to do a presentation: I had 15 minutes to prepare a 5-minute presentation."
    At GE/Durham, candidates are rated in 11 areas. "Only one of those involves technical competence or experience," says Keith McKee, 27, a tech-3 on Team Raven. "You have to be above the bar in all 11 of the areas: helping skills, team skills, communication skills, diversity, flexibility, coaching ability, work ethic, and so forth. Even if just one thing out of the 11 knocks you down, you don't come to work here."

Some of the stuf here reminds me of what we learnt in the storytelling training I attended recently.

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