Wednesday, September 14, 2005

gems from FC

From Here's How to Make It to the Top:
    "I've been so successful in my climbing because I usually haven't turned back during that final, exhausting 5%. Making it to the top isn't about a final sprint; it's about maintaining your rhythm - even if that rhythm is five breaths for every one step. That kind of focus means that you're more likely to have the energy to deal with unforeseen challenges - and less likely to lose sight of why you're climbing the mountain in the first place."

I thought upward (manager) evaluations were standard practice. I'm horrified to know that they are not.

From The Fall and Rise of David Pottruck
    Just before the meeting got started, Andy Grove, the gruff chairman of Intel's board at the time, pulled Pottruck aside. " 'When you got promoted to CEO,' " Pottruck remembers him saying, " 'did that make you a better man?' I said no. He said, 'Well then, do you think the fact that you're no longer CEO of Schwab means you're not a better man?' I said, 'No, I don't think so.' He said, 'You're as good a man as you were last week. Hold your head high.' It helped me a lot."

1 comment:

  1. I like the first article, dude. Thanks for the link to it. There is a lot of good advice in there. One that I like the most is the most simple, but often forgotten:

    "What separates people who make it to the top from those who don't? 'The real dividing line is passion,' says Blum. 'As long as you believe that what you're doing is meaningful, you can cut through fear and exhaustion and take the next step.'

    Sometimes, I think I have trouble with that one...
