Thursday, June 29, 2006

Mr Anderson

No, not the dude from the Matrix. But Chris Anderson of longtail fame was at amazon today to promote his new book. I took away some good nuggets, even though I used to follow his blog quite regularly.

  • The long tail arises from
    1. variety
    2. inequality
    3. network effect

  • When plotted on a log-log scale, the long tail is a straight line. Most sales numbers drop off from this line because of limits of
    1. findability
    2. inventory

  • We can exploit the long tail by
    1. democratising production
    2. making distribution more efficient
    3. improving findability

  • Not everyone does everything for money:
    1. We are entering a "reputation economy" (people blog or write books for reputation, not money)
    2. Our talents are more varied than our job functions (I love this one!).
    Both of these point towards the rise of the amateur professional (the expert who doesn't do it for money)

  • Don't confuse limited distribution with shared taste (i.e. boxoffice hits happen because the supply of movies is limited by distribution, not because everyone necessarily loves those movies)

  • Everyone deviates from the 'mainstream' somewhere

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