Thursday, July 15, 2010

trip update

The Wife and I are headed to Singapore and Malaysia. Here's what we have planned:

- a weekend in Singapore - showing her where I grew up, meeting some old friends, and eating
- a couple of days in KL - staying with my alternate-mom (a.k.a. Aunty Ann), checking out KL, eating.
- 3 nights in Pulau Redang - tropical beach paradise.
- a few days free (current thinking is to go into the teman negara rainforest)
- a night in Singapore
- back home

We are unwittingly taking the scenic route to Singapore. San Francisco - Hong Kong - Bangkok - Singapore.

On the bright side - hopefully that will result in more meals (and miles?)

Not sure how regularly we'll (want to) have internet access...

1 comment:

  1. Krishnan4:57 PM

    Have fun, and just to give you a taste of home - I've sent you an invite for the monthly in flash-payments webinar in August.

    You're welcome.
